
Sit down with us with a cup of tea, and share random life and video gaming discussions. Listen to the podcast and check out our blogs!

Starting Anew

Starting Anew

RNG & Tea’s website has just launched and I’m proud to say, “We did it!”

Sarah Scopic and I were involved in a previous project before RNG & Tea. Unfortunately, untold and surprising events transpired, and we had to let it go last August.

When the idea of the previous project first came up in the summer of 2018, I have to admit that I was a bit apprehensive. I mostly played as a support role, working behind the scenes and trying to get the best for the crew. I never thought that I would ever amount to be a main host of a show.

I had a glimpse of it with the Pops & Kooky Show, a little side discussion show from a Final Fantasy podcast called Limit Break Radio. I didn’t think much of it, and thought of it as a fun thing to do with the crew. I was also green and grew up shy. I didn’t talk as much as I would like to, and only had outbursts over the intern, Scuro. So, when I was given the chance to come up with a new podcast and name for female gamers. I thought long and hard for the right name. Once I had it, I was so proud of the name.

I would get anxious before the recordings of our previous project. The butterflies would start fluttering around in my stomach. I knew that I would have to step over my boundaries and… Talk. My fair share of listening to podcasts was from Final Fantasy XIV and wrestling. I thought listening to that was just enough to know how to podcast. However, learning to find my own voice was not easy. I’m happy to be paired with Sarah as we compliment each other, and she helped me find my voice. We have fun with our discussions and have plenty of laughs to go around. That previous podcast job became something that I eventually enjoyed creating and producing. We set our own schedules and talked about the topics that we wanted to talk about. After about five months, I was just getting into the stride of working in my dream job when the unfortunate turn of events happened.

Because I had to let go of the previous project, I didn’t have any work to look forward to every week. It pained me so much. There were days that I would just sleep all day, hoping to get rid of the feeling. We knew that we were thrown into something that seemed required for the job, but we didn’t get much support for it. And the previous project’s name… Oh, the name! It was so strong and embodied exactly how female gamers felt. At every convention that I went to, fellow female gamers approved of the name. One woman stated that she got chills and showed me her goosebumps. I love that name, but I had to let it go. As much as I researched ways to try and get it back, the name belonged to another under legalities. Sometimes, I curse myself not speaking up for it during meetings or branding the name before.

Here I am now with RNG & Tea. I have learned to let go of that previous project. A lot of my support came from my significant other, who was there for me since day one, giving me comfort and tough love that I needed to hear to get me out of bed. I also got a lot of support from friends and, surprisingly from people whom I thought that they didn’t care much for what I did. I greatly appreciate all the support. I realize I want to keep going and continue working on something that I create one my own and just have fun with it.

With the help of listeners and supporters, Sarah and I came up with RNG & Tea. (Psst… Listen in to RNG & Tea’s first podcast on how we got the name.) I look forward to RNG & Tea, and starting anew. I hope that you look forward to it as well and stay along with us. Well, the sun is coming up and I must get some rest.

PlayStation Captured Me

PlayStation Captured Me

What's the Deal? - A Bit of RNG Extended Conversation

What's the Deal? - A Bit of RNG Extended Conversation