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PlayStation Captured Me

PlayStation Captured Me

On December 3rd, 1994, the very first PlayStation debuted in Japan, starting the giant imprint in the video gaming industry. That was 25 years ago! Recently, Guinness World Records recognizes PlayStation as the best-selling home video game console.

I started as a gamer when my mom first brought home a Nintendo GameBoy that was bundled with Tetris, but what really cemented my heart as a gamer was the PlayStation or the PS1. Surely, I played the Nintendo and Super Nintendo before the PlayStation. Platformers and puzzles started the initial bindings of my gamer’s heart. My litter and I also used to stay around the arcade areas in Las Vegas as my parents gambled. It kept us occupied and out of trouble. I dabbled on the Sega Genesis at my cousin’s house and the Sega Game Gear whenever my other cousins visited.

I didn’t know how great the PlayStation was or what other games were available. I remember shopping downstairs of the Sears department store, where the kids section were at and Sears had a demo station of the PlayStation. I would watch people try to play the beginning of Resident Evil. The slow door opening sequence and scary zombies terrified and mystified me, but I didn’t really think of actually having a PlayStation. Maybe I was too young to grasp the full potential of a PlayStation.

We finally got a PlayStation 1 in the house when one of my cousins (yes, I have a lot of cousins…) gifted it to us when I was about 11 or 12 years old. The PlayStation was actually a modded PlayStation. I’m not sure if my cousin was the one who modded it himself or he had a friend who did it, but he also left us with a good amount of ripped games as well such as Spider-Man and Syphon Filter. I’m known as a Tomb Raider fan, but I actually played Tomb Raider on the PC first. So, what game sealed the gamer deal? It was Metal Gear Solid.

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Metal Gear Solid was created developed from the legendary genius mind of Hideo Kojima and published by Konami. This game sealed the gamer deal for me that video games are not just platformers or puzzle games. Video games are interactive cinematic story tellers. It is a movie that you can control the main character and experience the journey. Come on! From the opening cut scene and the rolling James Bond type credits after stealthily making your way to the elevator to freaking out when Psycho Mantis taking control of the controller, I was hooked! Metal Gear Solid was literally a game changer. If you haven’t played it yet, I suggest you do!

Another game on the PlayStation 1 that captured me is Final Fantasy IX. This was my very first RPG (role-playing game). I missed the boat with earlier RPGs such as Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy III (which is really Final Fantasy VI) and Chrono Trigger on the Super Nintendo. I’m currently playing through a couple of these games to find out what I had missed. I never jumped on the bandwagon of Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII. I actually tried a demo of Final Fantasy VII on the PC, and didn’t think much of it. Whoops… However, Final Fantasy IX is more appealing to me.

Final Fantasy IX is filled with characters that I can most relate to or admire. I can relate to Garnet's journey in finding herself and following her heart. Quina's everlasting hunger for noms, but also pointing out the obvious. Vivi’s heart wrenching moment when he watched his black mage brothers get thrown off the airship. Ok, no. I did not have a similar experience as Vivi, but it was so heart wrenching! Even though it's an RPG that you have to spend many hours on, I don't mind replaying it over and over as the story never gets old.

At the tail end of the PS1's life cycle the last of the "classic" Final Fantasy games found its home. A throwback combining the gameplay style and story complexity of the late nineties games with the art style and sense of humor of the first six games in the series, Final Fantasy IX found its way into the hearts of long time fans of the genre.

I have to give props to the PlayStation Vita as well. Sony may have just been well ahead of its time when they released this device. The screen is amazing, but the price for a memory card didn't make sense. I loved my Vita though! I got my first platinum trophy with Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward. That game is another story to tell later, but it is one of my favorite games on my list. Since I was able to carry the PS Vita around with me, I paid for the AT&T service so I could play Final Fantasy XIV wherever I went. Also, being able to be in bed and connect to my PS4 with the PS Vita via wifi was the pinnacle of being lazy. There were easy games to play on the go such as Treasures of Montezuma and Jetpack Joyride, and I was able to watch Netflix.

PlayStation did not make an appearance at E3 2019 or had a PlayStation here in North America since 2017. I was lucky enough to attend that PlayStation Experience and the PlayStation E3 press conferences in 2016 and 2017. Just wow! Even PlayStation knows how to throw an event. With the PS5 just around the corner, I hope PlayStation will knock it out of the park again with new announcements in the E3 2020 conference. I wish PlayStation much more success in the future and to continue showcasing the best video games. Thank you for the memories, PlayStation!

Other Honorable PlayStation Mentions:

What PlayStation 1 game is your all time favorite? What is your favorite game for each PlayStation console?

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