This. Is. A. Competition.
I have a few pet peeves when it comes to competitive games like Overwatch, League of Legends, and Counter-Strike, but the one that bugs me the most is the casual mentality. I’ve been in situations lately where I feel like I’m the only one on my team of many willing to put in 100% effort into winning. This stems from people wanting to play a “Competitive” style game like it’s a single player experience without a real objective especially in Overwatch. As of late, it has seen a drop in the number of people playing due to the role queue changes. The player base does not have the drive that it used to, and people aren’t putting in the time or effort to get better at the game. They opt to play poorly, because they do not care about bringing down the experience of their teammates.
An awesome Rein charge!
I myself cannot see the merit of mindlessly losing games, because I have a competitive drive to want to better my play, put in the time to practice, and change with the growing metas. I don’t care if it’s quick play or ranked play. I put my all into every game, because if I don’t, I feel like I’m missing a huge part of the games appeal. I know many will say I’m too passionate, but why play competitively and not put your all into it? There are plenty of games that offer you the same first person shooting or isometric top down experiences. These competitive games have a single player format and most of those cater to the casual play style. Why must others ruin the experience of people driving toward a goal? Is it the need for a community? Is it just trolling? I’m at a loss here, because it doesn’t make sense to me.
A torb on attack that should of gotten POTG!
Some will argue that they paid for the game and they get to play it how ever they want, but that also impedes on the others that paid as well and are playing the game solely for the competition. There are also modes in most of these games that are casual in nature, i.e. Overwatch’s Arcade and workshop creations.
Just a little to the left Hanzo.
In the long run though, I’m just tired of feeling like my effort goes to waste. Tired of putting 100% into something I’m passionate about and watching others not putting in a fraction of the same effort into it. You can learn a lot from losing in these games, but you do not learn anything when the game is already stacked against you when you have a couple of people playing to just pass the time. Ultimately, I’ll continue to try and better myself but I doubt the frustration I feel when coming across these types of players will pass.